
日内瓦,201438—我们深知正是我们的母亲、妻子、姐妹和女儿付出的努力与辛劳撑起了我们的半边天. 全球女性在治理国家、管理企业和抚育孩子方面都是无可替代的。 在艾滋病的防治中,照顾病人的责任大多由女性承担。女性照顾着家庭与社区,社区中最脆弱的人群也是由女性承担着看护与照顾的责任。




GENEVA, 8 March 2014—We know well that it is our mothers, wives, sisters and daughters who make it happen. Women around the world are running countries, businesses and raising children. In the AIDS response, it is more likely to be women who care for the sick. It is women who care for their families and communities and it is women who look after the most vulnerable in society.

「Women make it happen, but it doesn’t always happen for women.」 Women face many forms of discrimination.

It is also women who suffer violence at the hands of their partners, are more likely to become infected with HIV and are marginalized in many societies. One out of three women is physically or sexually abused by a partner in her lifetime. Every hour, 50 young women are newly infected with HIV. Half of all people living with HIV in low- and middle-income countries are women––and new HIV infections among women are on the rise in Eastern Europe, Central Asia, the Middle East and North Africa.

Women must be free to make decisions about their health, lives and futures. On this International Women’s Day, let’s all stand up for women, together we can make it happen.

联合国艾滋病规划署执行主任 米歇尔·西迪贝 Michel Sidibé 








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