今天门诊有位患者问我,长期的服用抗组胺药物有啥严重的副作用没有?我告诉他,抗组胺药物相对来说是比较安全的,除了容易引起发睏以后,几无严重的副作用。当时患者又问我,吃了的确有点睏,但是长期的服用的话会不会导致记忆力减退或者其它类似影响?我当时说,现无研究证明抗组胺药物可以引起记忆力的减退或者认知功能。患者满意的走了,但是我回来之后越想心里就越有点忐忑,到底现在有没有这方面的研究? 上了狗狗搜了搜,发现了这篇文章,http://www.livestrong.com/article/219055-what-drugs-are-known-to-cause-memory-loss/#ixzz1raIT9EOI.,文中称有上百种的药物可以导致记忆力减退,并且文中有一段特意提起抗组胺药物也可以引起。 ANTIDEPRESSANT DRUGS Like anxiolytic and hypnotic drugs, antidepressants directly affect the brain chemistry, according to Mycek, Harvey and Champe. Feelings of intense sadness, hopelessness and an inability to feel happiness characterize depression. Antidepressant drugs treat depression by several mechanisms. Some delay the re-absorption of brain chemicals that make one feel good. Others block the action of enzymes that break down those chemicals. In performing their desired action of moderating depression, these drugs may cause memory loss. Examples of antidepressants that may cause memory loss are Elavil, Desyrel and Tofranil. 当时心里一惊,难道抗组胺